Movie Quote Monday: Ratatouille
“I know who I am. Why do I need you to tell me? Why do I need to pretend?”
Ratatouille, created by Pixar, was released eleven years ago. It blows my mind to think how long it’s been and how much I still adore this movie. Next to Toy Story, it might be one of my favorite Pixar movies to date. There is something about it that I always related too. It is actually very underrated as well. I don’t think kids picked up on how funny it was or on all the subtle nuances. But when it came out I was in high school, so I was able to pick up on most of the jokes.
The fun thing about this movie is that I felt like Remy. He loves everyone around him but feels like he stands out among them. But when he goes after his dream he feels alone. So what do you do when the people you love don’t exactly get you? Is it worth being alone, but doing what you love? And do we really have to choose between either?
It’s hard to decipher who we are when everyone wants to put their two cents in on who you they think you should be. In the film, Remey struggles with trying to convince his dad that he is never going to be the kind of rat that his father wants him to be. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing for others to try and help you figure out who you want to be, but sometimes it just muddies the waters.
I love this scene in the movie where Remey is arguing with Gusteau while he is trapped in the cage. He is literally trapped in this cage, where it becomes clear to him that he is really trapped by his lack of identity. He tries to be a perfect for everyone around him. He tries to be a perfect rat for his dad and a human for linguine. While talking to Gusteau he shouts,
“I know who I am. Why do I need you to tell me? Why do I need to pretend?”
and Gusto response with, “But you don’t Remy. You never did.” Every time I watch it, that line hits me like a rock. We fight so hard, pretending like we know who we are and than wonder why we are so frustrated with our lives. When in actuality, we are frustrated because we never find the time to edify ourselves and figure out who we are.
We take in truths that our friends tell us, as well as all the cons that other people tell us. We allow other people to shape our reality. Then one day we lose it and realize we have no idea who we are. Truth is we are a mix of who people say we are and who we want to be. If people have an expectation of you and you don’t want to follow that, than don’t. The sweet spot is somewhere right in the middle.
Remy was a chef. Thats who he wanted to be. However, he was also a rat, with some human like qualities. All three parts were crucial in making Remy who he was, which was a pretty exceptional chef, friend, and son.
So what are the things that hold you back from even realizing who you are? And remember that even when you grasp who you are, there is still more room for growth. Do you know who you are and what you want but you’re constantly running? You do not need to pretend. Life is too short. Go and figure out who you want to be and if you are not that person, there is still time. Because, when we all really stop and think about it, we kinda know who we are.
Stay Excellent,