

Mini Tales: Nobody

Nobody tells you what it feels like to have your heart break. To feel the impact of it shattering when you realize things will never be the same. That your life will change drastically. Nobody prepares you for the void you feel when your mind can’t handle the change. Nobody tells you how how scary it is to stand on that cliff side, looking out as you reach for your pulse. But instead the place where your heart should be is burning. Nobody tells you how much it really hurts to drop to your knees because your legs no longer know how to function. Nobody tells you how hard it is to pick yourself out of your bed and literally say, “Get Up!”.

Nobody tells you how many tears can stream down your face and how you will lose your voice from screaming. Nobody tells you how much it really does hurt your body, physically, when your heart breaks. How hard it is to breath. How much your stomach aches and how rapidly your heart beats trying to find a constant pace. Nobody tells you how to move past a broken heart. Maybe that’s because nobody’s figured it out.

Maybe you just LIVE.

You just carry the pain and confusion. Until one day the pain is easier to carry and your heart finds a new beat. Maybe all we can do is live with a broken heart and though it will always be battered and stitched up, it can still functions. It can still beat.

It can still LOVE.

[ I hope you like this small thought and I hope it speaks to you and helps you feel understood, whoever “you” are. Stay Excellent]

Megan O'Neal4 Comments