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Movie Quote Monday: Star Trek Into Darkness

“I don’t know what I am suppose to do. I only know what I can do.”

Sitting with some friends on a lazy Sunday Night, we watched Star Trek Into Darkness, mostly so we could quote 90% of what Benedict Cumberbatch says, because let’s be real, his lines are amazing in that movie. However, while watching it I came across a line that I forgot. A line that I had spent years saying to myself, to help motivate me through certain times.

In a panic as the ship is being torn apart, Spock is trying to stop Kirk from possibly taking a regrettable risk. And Kirk in a frantic states turns to his friend and says,

“I don’t know what I am suppose to do. I only know what I can do.”

Just think about that for a moment. I believe everyone has feelings of doubt and uncertainty. But, being twenty-five I find that I have no idea what I am doing. I have very little idea of what I even want. And that is terrifying. People have been asking me since I was in high school, what I wanted to be and who I want to be. Which is crazy when you really think about it. There are people well into their sixties who don’t know what they want but we expect eighteen year olds to plan their whole life? No wonder so many of us feel like failures, before we even start the journey. We get so tied up in societal expectations we never really decided for ourselves.

Well when I think about it, I do not really know what I am suppose to do. I have no idea what’s going to happen next for me. I’m still figuring it out. And the thing is, that is okay! It is alright to be uncertain. So much of our lives are out of our control. Things happen to us and around us and we just struggle to keep up. However, one thing I do know is what I can do. I know that I can work hard where I am now. I know I can help people and be kind. I know I can push myself to become more.

So I have no more delusions of what I’m suppose to do. I have no desire to be what other people say I am suppose to be. Because who cares if you are not “where you should be”? You decide your fate. And honestly, as long as you are doing what you can, the best you can, well there really isn’t anything more people can ask of you. Fact is, you will figure out what you need to do and who you want to be, it just takes time.

Stay Excellent,
