Movie Quote Monday: Remember the Titans
“Sometimes life’s just hard, for no reason at all.”
“Remember the Titans” is a classic movie that almost everyone who lives in the south has seen a million times. Some of the scenes were even filmed here in Atlanta, Ga. It is one of the movies I quote on a regular basis. It is a movie about persistence and integrity. A film that deals with change and growth. It shows what happens when people work in the face of adversity. There are a million quotes I could use from this movie, but I have one that will surprise most of you who have seen it. The line I wanna discuss is so obscure, you may not have even noticed it when you watch it. So SPOILERS ahead.. but if you haven’t seen this movie by now I demand you stop what you are doing and watch it immediately.
After Gary’s accident, Coach Boone and his wife are sitting discussing the accident and what to do next. Boone is struggling to find a reason as to why this might have happened, including blaming himself. But his wife just leans over to him and says,
“Sometimes life’s just hard, for no reason at all.”
Whoa… take that in. Such a small and simple line, and yet, so profound to me. When tragedy strikes we always need to find reason for our pain. Sometimes there is a reason why we are hurting or going through a trial, but what people don’t like to talk about is the fact that, sometimes there is not a reason.
Some things in life are unexplainable. They have no real cause. I know this is an unpopular notion since as humans, we think we know and understand everything. But the fact is, we don’t. Since I am a Christian I believe that some bad things happen in this world, simply because we live in a fallen world. A world where evil lives and perfection does not exist. Now this does not mean that joy and love can’t be found. I just simply realize that because our world is not perfect, bad things will occur and I won’t be able to explain it. Also I believe that we are not meant to understand every bad thing that happens to us.
I have had my heart broken into a thousand pieces and I still don’t know “why” it happened to me. I have deciphered for years what I did wrong. I have asked myself what I did to deserve being abandon. I never came up with a clear answer. But I did realize that sometimes life is just hard, but our strength comes from perseverance. Pain isn’t pointless, though that doesn’t make it hurt less. We can always grow through pain, we can overcome pain. I believe God pulled me out of my darkest hole and even though I did not get an answer to “why” something terrible happened to me, God still answered me. He told me that I would survive. That I would make it through to the next stage of life.
This is not something many people want to hear. Especially when I mention God, people will ask why doesn’t He just give us all the answers. Well I don’t know, but I believe that sometimes the answer really is, that life is hard. It it gritty, dark, and torturous. But it can be marvelous, bright, and miraculous too. Just choose what you want to focus on .
I know it’s hard to accept but sometimes we don’t need to use our energy to search for why life is hard or beating us up. Instead, we should focus our energy on how we are going to get back up. So whether you are the one facing the struggle of life, or watching a loved one go through the ringer, find a way to move forward. Because their may not be a reason why life is hard, but there are always reasons to keep going.
Stay Excellent,