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Movie Quote Monday: The Fault in Our Stars

“You of all people know it’s possible to live with pain. You just do it.”

Recently someone in my family, whom I loved very deeply, passed away. Whenever someone passes away it always reminds me of all the people I’ve lost up to that point. A list rings through my head and I hurt all over again. Pain, oh what a complex thing. We hate the feeling but at the same time we are stronger people for it. Which nobody talks about the fact that we need pain in life. And on the flip side, it doesn’t make us feel better either.

The Fault in Our Stars, is a quirky little film that explores the pain of death and loss. It is a film that is designed to make you cry, but sometimes that is okay. In my opinion it can be a little cheesy but its tasteful and it has two characters that you empathize with the best you can. And even though it is depressing, I love it because it is real. It deals with pain and shows how much pain doesn’t only affect you, it affects people around you.

In the movie, Hazel is going to visit Augustus and she confronts her parents. She is worried that if she dies her parents will have no life without her. But her mom explains that though being her mother is the “greatest thing she will ever be,” she has been trying new things. And then she says,

“You of all people know it’s possible to live with pain. You just do it.”

I love this quote because though it is simple, it is profound. If you think about it we are all walking around with burdens. We are all walking around with pain and living just fine. Sometimes people don’t even notice how much pain they are walking around with because they have had it for so long. So why do I love this line? Because I believe the point of this is to find joy even though the pain. To push through and well, just do it (NIKE). Aren’t we all trying to find joy in the midst of our pain? Whether its emotional, physical, or both. I’m here to say that there is no secret. There is no magic answer that solves everything. Pain is here to stay and we have to live with it. But that doesn’t mean we have to be bogged down by it.

Being a Christian I think people expect me to say that God takes away the pain. That if you believe in God, all pain just ceases to exist. Fact is, it doesn’t. However, He does walk through it with us. He helps us find joy and peace despite the pain. That is a great gift because then our pain means something. Pain helps us relate to each other and empathize with one another.

You can overcome these trials that are before you. You can overcome. You can live with this pain and it will lessen. From time to time, the scars will burn just as bad as the day you got them, but you’ll push through. I thank God for the joy I’ve found in the midst of pain. I am grateful for every single scar, not because I’m glad i got them, trust me, some of these scars I would love to take back. But here’s the thing, every battle i’ve survived helps me when more pain comes. Because if I can survive all that, well I’ll survive the next trial too. So whether you’re in a good space or in the middle of a battle, I want to encourage you. You’ll make it through this too.

Stay Excellent,


Megan O'NealComment